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Meet Your Counselors

Who are School Counselors? 

  • A School Counselor is a licensed/certified professional holding a minimum of a Master's Degree and a Pupil Personnel Services Credential.

What is their role?

  • The role of a Professional School Counselor is to design and deliver school counseling programs that improve student outcomes. 
  • They lead, advocate and collaborate to promote equity and access for all students by connecting their school counseling program to the school’s academic mission and school improvement plan.
  • They uphold the ethical and professional standards of the American School Counseling Association (ACSA)  and promote the development of the school counseling program based on the following areas of the ASCA National Model: define, deliver, manage and assess.

What services are offered?

School counselors create school counseling programs based on three sets of standards that define the profession. These standards help school counselors develop, implement and assess their school counseling program to improve student outcomes.

Student Standards

Professional Standards

To learn more about the role of our counselors in the Moreno Valley Unified School District, please view our Counseling Handbook.

View Counseling Handbook

Meet the Counseling Team

Mrs. Juarez-Castillo, Counselor


Creekside Counselor Referral Form

Please click on the link below to refer a student for counseling.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Juarez-Castillo. Thank you!

Samantha Juarez-Castillo

Creekside Elementary, (951) 571-4560, ext. 46128,

Creekside Counselor Referral Form